#33 Connecting With Your Co-Actor Within A Scene

15 April 2021 - 10:35 BY Louw
Connecting With Your Co-Actor Within A Scene


I have experienced scenes where I just struggle to connect with my co-actor. We get along, have great chemistry, but the scene just feels disconnected when they call “action!” 


After coming across this tool, which I will explain in a few moments, I realised I could incorporate it when that disconnected feeling creeps into a scene. Shift my focus (Bottom-Line) onto the other character – involving them much more. 


In most scenes you’ll be doing, you’ll have someone in the scene with you. When we fail to include that other actor in our bottom-line, we may find ourselves feeling disconnected. This happens when you don’t give yourself a reason to listen to the other actor. How to fix this?


A tool to try:

- Take a scene in which you have a strong need to discover some information and do it two ways:

-       1) Bottom-lining with the need to figure out the truth. The obstacle is that you’re confused about what the truth is. (I’m confused about what the truth is)

- Now, take a moment and see if you can find a way to incorporate the other character into your bottom-line. 

-       2) Bottom-lining with the need to find out the truth. The obstacle is that the other person won’t tell you. (I need to draw the truth out of her)

- Take 1 should look a little disconnected, and for a good reason: you’ve given yourself no reason to listen to the other person, so you don’t. 

- Take 2 should look much more connected because you’ve given yourself good reasons to listen to the other person, both when you’re pursuing the need and when you’re responding to the obstacles she puts in the way of that need. 


Try putting both the need and the obstacle on the other person by asking, “What do I need to do with this person?” and “In what way does she make the achievement of that need difficult?”


See if including the other person in your bottom-line – both on the level of need and obstacle – doesn’t increase your involvement level.  


How did you find the technique/tool/advice? Did it work for you? What was different this time? Share with the tribe and let’s keep on creating beautiful, honest and memorable performances. Let’s execute our best selves! 

Kind regards 
Edwin van der Walt 

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